Subject: Aqeedah al Wasitiyah (by Sh. Ibn Taymiyyah - rahimah'Allah) - Part 2.2
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Due to the need to seek knowledge of Islam upon solid foundations, insha'Allah, you shall be receiving certain excerpts from the very well-known book by Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimah'Allah). Understanding the fundamentals described within this book enable the seeker of knowledge to enhance his or her understand of the Religion of Islam, of its foundations, and other related texts and issues such as Hadith compilations (Al Bukhari, Muslim, an Nasa'i) or fiqh (Islamic legislation and legal verdicts).
May Allah grant us success in understanding His Religion and sincerely seeking His Face in all our deeds, and especially in the one of seeking knowledge of His Religion. Ameen
Allah's Names and Attributes in the Qur'an
Chapter One
"He knows that which goes down into the earth and that which comes out from it, and that which descends from the heavens and that which ascends into it. He is The Merciful, The Forgiving."
(Saba' 34/2)
"With Him are the keys of the unknown (mafatih al-ghaib), none but He knows them. He knows what is in the land and the sea; not a leaf falls but He knows it; not a grain amid the darkness of the earth, naught of wet or dry but (it is recorded) in a clear record."
(al-An'am 6/59)
He has said:
"No female conceives or gives birth except with His Knowledge."
(Fatir 35/11)
And He has said:
"Indeed, Allah is the One Who gives livelihood, The Lord of Unbreakable Might."
(adh-Dhariyaat 51/58)
Hearing, Seeing:
And He has said:
"Nothing is like Him; and He is The Hearer, The Seer."
(ash-Shura 42/11)
And He has said:
"Lo! Comely is this which Allah admonishes you to be. Lo! Allah is ever Hearer, Seer."
(an-Nissa' 4/58)
And He has said:
"If only, when you entered your garden, you had said: That which Allah wills is; There is no strength save in Allah."
(al-Kahf 18/39)
And He has said:
"If Allah had so willed it, those who followed after them would not have fought one with the other after clear proofs had come unto them. But they differed, some of them believing and some disbelieving. And if Allah had so willed it, they would not have fought one with the other; But Allah does what He wills."
(al-Baqarah 2/253)
And He has said:
"The beast of cattle is made lawful unto you [for food], except that which is announced unto you [herein], hunting being unlawful when you are on pilgrimage; Indeed, Allah ordains that which He wills."
(al-Ma'idah 5/1)
And He has said:
"Of whomsoever it is Allah's will to guide, his heart He expands into Islam; And of whomsoever it is His will to send astray, his heart He made closed and narrow as if he were engaged in sheer ascent."
(al-An'am 6/125)
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