In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy
Indeed, We have granted you, O Muhammad (saw), al-Kawthar
So turn in Prayer and sacrifice to your Lord (alone)
Certainly the one who bears hatred towards you is the one severed from all good
[Noble Qur'an - 108:1-3]
al-Imaam, Shaykh al-Islaam, Abul-'Abbas Ahmad ibn 'Abdul-Haleem IBN TAYMIYYAH (d.728 ah) raheemahullaahu, said:
"What a splendid Surah is Surah al-Kawthar! How abundant are its benefits, even though it is short in length. The reality of its meaning is known from its ending, where Allaah, the One free from all imperfections and the Most High, severs (1) the one having hatred for His Messenger from all good.
So Allaah severs and deprives him of his renown, his family and his wealth, such that he loses all of that in the Hereafter.
He also dispossesses him of his life such that he does not benefit from it and does not use it to acquire righteous deeds for his life in the Hereafter. He severs his heart so that it cannot recognise any good, and he does not enable it to come to know Him and to love Him and to truly believe in His Messengers. He severs his deeds such that he does not act in obedience to Allaah.
He deprives him of helpers, such that no helper or anyone to assist him is to be found for him. He deprives him of every means of seeking nearness to Allaah, and of all righteous deeds, so he does not taste them, and does not relish their sweetness even if he outwardly performed them -- his heart is a fugitive, fleeing and averse to them.
All of this is the recompense for one who has hatred for a part of that which the Messenger (Salallahu alayhi waSalam) came with, and so refuses to accept it due to desires, or due to his followers, or his shaikh, or his leader or his elders.
Just as is the case with those who have hatred for the aayahs affirming Allaah's attributes (sifaat) and the ahaadeeth affirming Allaah's attributes: those who interpret them away with ta'weel to something else other than what Allaah and His Messenger meant by them, or those who take them to mean that which agrees with their own position (madhab), and the position held by their own faction; or those who wish that the aayahs affirming Allaah's Attributes had never been sent down, and that Allaah's Messenger (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) had not uttered the ahaadeeth affirming Allaah's attributes.
So from the strongest signs that a person detests and has hatred for these texts is that when he hears them being used as a proof by the People of the Sunnah for the truth that they indicate - he recoils in horro from that, he contends and he flees from it. This is due to the hatred in his heart for them, and his aversion for them (2).
So what hatred towards the Messenger (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) can be greater than this?!
Likewise those who listen to music and singing, those who dance about upon hearing singing, lyrical poems, the beating of the daff, and the playing of the flute. Yet when they hear the Qur'aan recited and read in their gatherings they find it tiresome and a burden.
So what hatred can be greater than this?!
Then upon this basis you may gauge the rest of the factions in this regard. Likewise those who give preference to the speech and understandings of men over the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. If it had not been the case that they had hatred for that which the Messenger (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) came with, they wouldn't have done this. Their affair reaches the extent that some of them forget the Qur'aan, after having memorised it, and are preoccupied with the saying of so and so, and so and so.
But the most severe in hatred and rejection of it are those who disbelieve in it, deny it wilfully, and declare it to be just stories of the ancients and a form of magic. Such people are worse, and more severely cut off. But everyone who has any hatred or aversion for him (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) will receive their due share of this severance, in accordance with the level of their hatred and aversion to him (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam). So because of the hatred and enmity of those people towards him (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam), Allaah repaid them by causing everything good to be against them and by cutting them off from it.
Whereas He favoured His Prophet (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) with the opposite of that, in that He granted Him al-Kawthar - that is the abundant good which Allaah gave to him in this life and in the hereafter.
(1) The verb "batara" - to cut off, sever, amputate; and from it: abtar: one cut off
(2) See "Usool as-Sunnah" of Imaam Ahmed and its appendices, pp.15-16, 'Abdullaah ibn Ahmad reports in as-Sunnah (no. 535), "I heard Abu Ma'mar al-Hudhalee say, "Whoever claims that Allaah, azza wa jall, does not speak, nor Hear, nor See, nor become Angry, nor br Pleased (and he mentioned some attributes) -- then he is a disbeliever in Allaah, azza wa jall. If you see him standing by a well, throw him into it. This is what I hold as my religion before Allaah, azza wa jall, since those people are disbelievers in Allaah, ta'ala". (see also pp.114-128 and 172-178 of the same book)
As Salam alaykum wa Rahmat'Allahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters, all the members of this group. We are pleased to be able to, by Allah's Permission, to send you these daily reminders and appreciate the comments, questions and even (constructive) criticism which you transmit to us, either through private messages or on the walls of the group. Do not hesitate to continue as such if you have anything you with to tell Brother Mohamed Riswan or myself, and we will surely return to you with a reply, insha'Allah, as soon as we can. May Allah increase us all in the knowledge of Him and His Messenger (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam), His Book and His Messenger's (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) Sunnah (tradition). Ameen
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