Monday, March 22, 2010

Tafseer Surah al-Kawthar by Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahim'Allah) - Pt.3

Tafseer Surah al-Kawthar by Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahim'Allah) - Pt.3

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

Indeed, We have granted you, O Muhammad (saw), al-Kawthar

So turn in Prayer and sacrifice to your Lord (alone)

Certainly the one who bears hatred towards you is the one severed from all good

[Noble Qur'an - 108:1-3]

The saying of Allaah ta'ala:

"Indeed We have granted you, O Muhammad (saw), al-Kawthar"

indicated an abundant bestowal given by One Who is Tremendous, Rich and All-Encompassing, and that He is Exalted and Most High, and that His Angels and hosts/army are along with Him.

He began the aayah with "Innaa" that indicated emphasis and that the information conveyed is something certain. The verb occurs in the past tense, indicating the certainty of its coming about and that it is something firmly established and that willhappen. The announcement of it will not enable it to be prevented, because the granting of al-Kawthar is something that has preceded in the original Pre-Decree (al-Qadr) when whatever is to occur for the creation was decreed - fifty thousand years before they were created. (9)

Then as for that (bestowal) which carries the description of its being abundant, then it is left unspecified in order to emphasise its comprehensiveness. But Allaah, the Perfect and Most High, mentioned its description, saying: "Innaa 'ataynaaka-l-kawthar"

So He described it as being al-Kawthar (abundant). Then the Kawthar that is well-known is a river in Paradise as is mentioned in the clear and authentic ahadeeth (10). Also Ibn 'Abbas (11) said, "al-Kawthar is the abundant good which Allaah gave to him". (12)

So since it is the case that the person with the least out of all the people of Paradise will have therein the like of the whole world ten times over (13), then what do you think that which Allaah has prepared for His Messenger (saw) in it will be??!

So al-Kawthar is an indication of the abundance of good things that Allaah has prepared for him, and of their continuance and increase, and their eminence and elevation, and that the river that is al-Kawthar is the greatest of the rivers of Paradise, and the purest in its water, the most pleasant-tasting, the sweetest and the highest.

This is shown by the fact that He introduces it with the definite article (i.e. Al-Kawthar). This indicates perfection and completeness of that which is named, just as you would say, "Zayd AL-Aalim" (ie Zayd THE scholar), and "Zayd Al-Shujaa'" (Zayd THE Brave), meaning "There is no one more knowledgeable nor anyone braver than him". Likewise His saying, "Innaa 'ataynaaka al-Kawthar" shows that He granted him all good, granting it fully and abundantly. Then even though some of his Ummah attain a part of that, then what they attain is due to the blessing of their complying with and following him. Yet he (saw) will receive the same reward, without anything been reduced from the reward of the one who followed him. (14) So there lies in this an indication that Allaah, the Most High, will grant him (saw) in Paradise (extra reward) to the degree of the rewards attained by his whole Ummah, without anything being reduced from their rewards. This is because he was the cause for their becoming guided and their becoming saved.

Therefore it is right - indeed it is a binding duty - that the servant complies with and follows him, and adheres to what he commanded, and increases in righteous and correct action, in fasting, prayer, giving sadaqah and tazkeeyah, so that he (saw) should receive similar reward for that. Because if a person falls into committing forbidden acts, then the Messenger (saw) will miss reward equivalent to the reward for that good which the person left.

Then if a person commits forbidden acts and along with that leaves what has been commanded, then his burden of sin grows and his salvation becomes harder, due to his taking on the burden of that which he was forbidden from and his leaving what he was commanded.

If, however, he performs what he has been commanded with, but also commits what has been forbidden, then he will enter amongst those for whom the Messenger (saw) will intercede. This is because he (saw) will attain a reward equal to that good which the person did.


(9) Muslim reports in his Saheeh, in the Book of Pre-Decree from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr ibn al-Aas (ra) who said, "I heard Allaah's Messenger (saw) say, "Allaah wrote the ordained measure of all created beings, before He created the Heavens and the earth by fifty thousand years." And he said, "And His Throne was over the water".

(10) al-Bukhaaree reports in his Saheeh (vol.8, no. 583) from Anas (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said, "Whilst I was walking in Paradise I came to a river. On its two banks were tents made of hollow pearls. I said, "What is this, O Jibreel?" He said, "This is the Kawthar that your Lord has granted you". Behold its scent (or its mud) was sweet-smelling musk"".

(11) 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abbas (ra) the famous Companion and cousin of the Prophet (saw) known as the "Great Scholar of the Ummaah", and the "Explainer of the Qur'aan". The Prophet (saw) supplicated for him, saying, "O Allaah! Grant him knowledge of the Book". Reported by al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh in the Book of Knowledge.

(12) Reported by al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh, the book of ar-Riqaaq, Chapter 53: Regarding the Lake, eng. trans. vol.8,no. 580

(13) As narrated by Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (ra) from the Prophet (saw). See Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, eng. trans. vol. 9, no. 532a, and Muslim, Eng. trans. vol.1, no.361 and no.s 359-361.

(14) Muslim reports in his saheeh in the book of Leadership, from Abu Mas'ud al-Ansaari (ra) that Allaah's Messenger (saw) said, "Whoever guides to some good will receive the same reward as its doer".


As Salam alaykum wa Rahmat'Allahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sisters, all the members of this group. We are pleased to be able to, by Allah's Permission, to send you these daily reminders and appreciate the comments, questions and even (constructive) criticism which you transmit to us, either through private messages or on the wall of the group. Do not hesitate to continue as such if you have anything you wish to tell Brother Mohamed Riswan or myself, and we will surely return to you with a reply, insha'Allah, as soon as we can. May Allah increase us all in the knowledge of Him and His Messenger (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam), His Book and His Messenger's (Salallahu alayhi wa Salam) Sunnah (tradition). Ameen

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